How to Dance? A Workshop on a Better Work Culture in Dance

Sideshow / 270 min / STUDIO teatrgaleria

admission free / registration required
  • Udostępnij:
godz. 10:00
6.10. 2023 / 10:00-14:30 / STUDIO teatrgaleria, Modelatornia
Leader: Kasia Wolińska
Language: Polish, no translation available
Admission free, enroll 👉 HERE
The starting point for the workshop will be the work of the Berlin Working Group initiated by Kasia Wolińska and Mateusz Szymanówka which resulted with the publication of How to (Make) Dance in Berlin – A Toolbox for a Better Work Culture in the Independent Dance Scene” in 2021.
The workshop will be centered around the relationship between the individual and their work, as well as the experiences that arise from this dynamic. Kasia Wolińska will initiate an exchange of experiences, foster collective work, and stimulate a critical dialogue around the elements that form work culture and those that, according to the participants, need improvement, change, and clearer articulation.  The workshop is open to women involved in the dance scene: dancers, choreographers, playwrights, producers, organizers, educators, and others interested in critically examining work culture, advocating for improved working conditions, and changing the perspective of the dance environment.
Co-financed  by the British Council.


Kasia Wolińska – a Gdańsk-born choreographer, dancer, and writer, a resident of Berlin. Her collaborative dance and choreographic work spans partnerships with various artists including Lina Gomez, Sergiu Matis, Helena Waldmann, Anna Nowicka and Agata Siniarska. Besides these collaborations, she also independently creates choreographies. Since 2018, she has maintained a blog on dance and politics at Between 2019-23, Kasia sat on the board of the “Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin” association, representing the interests of the dance artist community.  Currently, she is a member of systering, a transnational collective of women artists, writers, playwrights and cultural workers.

