Day of Sign Languages – meet our ambassador of Deaf Audience

Sep 23, 2022 · 1 min read

23 of September is an International Day of Sign Languages.

On this occasion, we once again introduce the Deaf Audience of 21st C/U Ambassador.

It is DANIEL KOTOWSKI, visual artist, performer and deaf person. Daniel is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and a doctoral student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. He has collaborated with Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Arsenal Gallery in Bialystok.

▪ Polish sign language interpretation
▪ induction loop
▪ SubPacs enhancing sound reception - see 👉 Daniel testing them in Italy
🟠 Details of the accessibility of individual events can be found next to specific titles in the in the CALENDAR. And more updates on C/U accessibility and an invitation in Polish Sign Language by Daniel - HERE.

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