Menstrual Cycle Awareness in the Creative Process. Workshop

Sideshow / 120 min / STUDIO teatrgaleria

admission free / registration required
  • Udostępnij:
godz. 15:00
6.10. 2023 / 15:00 – 17:00 / STUDIO teatrgaleria, Modelatornia
Leader: Amy Draper
Language: English, no translation available
Admission free, enroll 👉 HERE
What advantages could integrating an awareness of the menstrual cycle into the creative process offer participants and their environment? In this workshop, Amy Draper will confront the anxieties and taboos that often overshadow discussions about the menstrual cycle in the workplace. She will explore the concept of Inner Seasons (an outline of different monthly energies), thereby equipping participants with tools to stimulate dialogue, boost their confidence, and foster a curiosity about the subject The creative process can evolve into a practice of well-being, expand awareness, instill a sense of security, as well as enhance productivity, and focus, and promote a deeper mindfulness of oneself and others in the work setting The workshop is open to everyone working in a creative role, whether as as a team leader or an individual artist. It welcomes participants of all ages and genders, both menstruators and non-menstruators.


Amy Draper (UK) – born 1983, theater director, coach and women’s coach. She has an extensive portfolio of directing projects, which spans from community centers to stages such as the Royal Shakespeare Company. Her passion lies in creating new musical theatre pieces, with recent performances including: “Islander”, “Day of the Living” (RSC), “These Trees are Made of Blood”, and “Princess Charming”. Amy is a seasoned educational practitioner, having gained experience at institutions like the RSC and the National Theatre. She regularly runs workshops for universities and drama schools, including Bath Spa University, where she also holds a lecturer position.


Photo: ©Camilla Adams

