3x Free Dances – PHOTOREPORT

Oct 17, 2022 · 1 min read
Every year, we encourage you to immerse yourself in the Festival on many levels. Not just through classical viewing. The ideal C/U spectators are not passive. They know that they are Free to Dance! And they exercise this right. The organisers and volunteers do so, too. The artists who showed their work at the 21st C/U led open movement warm-ups under the motto 'Free Dances'. In a relaxed workshop format, participants put their bodies and imaginations to work with suggested tasks and exercises. Those who watched the tutors on stage afterwards were able to recognise previously practised bits of choreography. Marta Ankiersztejn popped in with her camera.
Free Dances with Diana Niepce
Free Dances with Dominik Więcek
Free Dances with Olga Dukhovnaya

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